Usual and exceptional auctions

Once the estimates made and the seller’s premiums fixed, we choose the best way to sell your items.

Since 1989, we have been organizing 5 periods of auctions per year :

  • Easter
  • July 14
  • August 15
  • November
  • End of December

They all take place in the conference rooms of the Hotel Martinez in Cannes.

In addition to these fixed dates, we also organize exceptional auctions said to be “in situ” (On the premises). They mainly concern the auctions of furniture and art objects of nice properties and cellars. Inspired by the Anglo-Saxons, these events are a specialty of Maître Besch who enjoys selling the items in the place they have stayed (old property, castle, bateau-mouche…), the audience benefiting also from this unusual atmosphere.

These auctions are at the origin of the summer “garden parties” organized for the car and design auctions.

How do we proceed ?

In our the departments, we call on famous and recognized experts. We select them for their know-how, their honesty, their skills and their human qualities.They are recognized by groups of legitimate authorities, are responsible for authenticities : they are a guarantee and a security for buyers and sellers.

For each auction, we produce catalogues full of descriptions where each lot is detailed and shown in at least one picture. We provide the condition reports on requests. All the catalogues can be seen on our website a few weeks before the auctions. They are also on specialized website such as Drouot Live, Interencheres Live or Invaluable (depending on the sales). We send them by post on request.

The items are exhibited in the sale rooms before the auctions. The entrance is free. For the wine auctions, we only organize partial exhibitions of a selection of lots, the bottles being kept in specific conditions. Our experts are available during the exhibitions to answer your questions.

We communicate on all specialized media (daily newspapers, weekly newspapers, magazines), on the social netwoks, in the print media, through newsletters, on specialized platforms such as Drouot Live or Interencheres Live.

The dates of the auctions are announced on our website, on Gazette-Drouot and Interencheres.

So as not to miss our news, we advise you to subscribe to our newsletter and to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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