Real links with French history, antique furniture and old art objects from before 1860 allow us to materialize the past.

They are the witnesses of a technical know-how almost disappeared and forgotten and of an imaged vocabulary : ebony veneer, inlaid wood, leafy scrolls, scrolls and acanthus leaves, gilded black moroccan top with small iron, frieze of godrons and spandrels.

Commode dite Mazarine

Both useful and prestigious, very often made for wealthy sponsors, they are mainly bought by well informed collectors and museums.

They require deep researches and an accurate archival work. It is a field where the word “expertise” makes sense. An exciting department of the art market !

Nice discoveries have allowed us to obtain records : nearly 50 000€ for a chest of drawers from the cabinet maker HACHE from Grenoble or 60 000€ for a sideboard from the XIX° century stamped DASSON.

Jan Van Goyen - Estuaire de rivière avec bateaux naviguant et pêcheurs

As far as old paintings are concerned, we cover a relatively wide period from the Renaissance to the beginning of the 19th century. Very heterogeneous, the subjects evoke still lifes, religious scenes, portraits, or landscapes. Paintings of masters or belonging to schools, they are to be discovered or rediscovered, in parallel with old drawings, often preparatory and representing only a part or a detail of a future creation.

We work in collaboration with the Cabinet TURQUIN, Mr Stéphane PINTA being our privileged contact, and the Cabinet de BAYSER.

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